Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Plea to You for Earning Money for Rose Creek Village

Dear Friends, Brothers and Sisters,

This is a re-post of a July 2011 post and I wanted to let all those who are out there that my original post did not result in very much reaction at all. Maybe it is because I have a small following. If you could post this on your blog post once or twice, maybe many more people would be aware and respond to a growing need that we have.
There is a great opportunity for us to help with the financial status of our village and those missions of ours, who are in need of assistance. Please don't miss this.  Shammah has sent this message out at least two different time in the past but I'm not sure people are even using this or not. If you are, Thank you! If you are not, I am offering to help you get set up for FREE on your computers.


FIRST: You can get this set up for FREE.

SECOND:  Rose Creek Village can earn 1 Cent on each and every search we perform from GoodSearch when you have Rose Creek Village selected as your Charitable Foundation. This happens automatically when you are set up correctly. You need to sign up (it's free and takes about 2 minutes to do so) and then download the toolbar for your browser. Everything else will happen when you search. Your searches earn RCV money automatically!

THIRD:  Rose Creek Village can earn a percentage (some percentages are very large), on every item you purchase online, from all of the on-line stores associated with the GoodShop website.  This also happens automatically when you are set up correctly for the GoodSearch and GoodShop toolbars. It no longer includes Amazon or eBay but there are many more websites that do. GoodSearch works just like Amazon in that you type in what you are looking for and it brings back the results of that search in stores that do donate money for your purchase. There are no catches to this. No money to spend. No intrusions of privacy and no danger of viruses or other nasty stuff. It is Covenant Eyes approved.

Every search, every purchase provides an income to Rose Creek Village Ministries which will be able to help out with our expenses and contributions to other mission work we are involved in. MexicoKenyaIndia, and Myanmar missions we support can all utilize this type of income. We can even support needs we have here at home.

PLEASE think about having me set this up for you if you do not already have this installed. If you do have this installed, please check to make sure this is working correctly. You will be doing a great service without doing anything out of the ordinary things you already do on the computer and Internet.


Doug Chamley

GoodSearch & GoodShop for Rose Creek Village.
Raise money for your favorite charity or school just by searching the Internet with GoodSearch (powered by Yahoo), or shopping online with GoodShop

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