Friday, December 31, 2010

And The Survey Says?

Eating Plan Survey 2010

OK, Thanksgiving is over. Christmas is over. New Years is almost here. Let's see how you are doing on keeping up with your eating plan. (Notice I didn't say "diet"?) Here is a survey for you to take. Have fun with this one.

1. If you did not stray from the eating plan you are on, give yourself 5 points.
    If you strayed 1 time give your self 3 points. 
    If you strayed 2 times give your self 1 point.
    If you strayed 3 time give your self -2 points.
    If you strayed more than 3 times give your self -4 points.

2. If you used 1 of the Holiday Recipes we posted on the Over 40 Fitness Tips site, give yourself 1 points.
    If you used 2 of the Holiday Recipes give your self 3 points. 
    If you used 3 or more of the Holiday Recipes give your self 5 points.
    If you didn't used any of the Holiday Recipes give your self -1 points.
    If you used someones Holiday Recipes give your self -2 points

3. If you went out to eat and didn't stray from your eating plan, give yourself 5 points.
    If you strayed 1 time give your self 3 point. 
    If you strayed 2 times give your self 1 points.
    If you strayed 3 times give your self -2 points.
    If you strayed more than 3 times give your self -4 points

4. If you were offered a holiday treat and politely passed it by, give yourself 5 points.
    If you snatched just one item from the tray give your self 3 points.
    If you grabbed two or three goodies, give your self 1 point.
    If you indulged in more than three items, give your self -2 points.
    If you couldn't control yourself and gobbled treats while no one was looking, give your self -4 points.

5. If you drank eggnog with alcohol on a holiday festive occasion,give yourself -5 points
    If you drank diet eggnog without alcohol, give yourself -3 points.
    IF you drank milk with your cookies, give yourself -1 point.
    If you were a good boy or girl and resisted the milk and the cookies, give yourself 5 points.

6. If you ate talopia or white fish at your holiday meal, give yourself 5 points.
    If you ate lean white chicken or turkey meat at your holiday meal, give yourself 3 points.
    If you ate roast beef or ground beef at your holiday meal, give yourself 1 point.
    If you ate pork chops or ham at your holiday meal, give yourself -2 points.
    If you ate fast food burgers or pizza for your holiday meal, give yourself -5 points.

7. If you went for a short walk after your holiday meal, give yourself 1 point.
    If you played outside with your kids or relatives after your meal, give yourself 3 points.
    If you rode bicycle or ran more than 5 miles after your meal, give yourself 5 points.
    If you sat around and watched football or basketball on TV after your meal, give yourself -3 points.
    If you took a nap or drank alcohol after your meal, give yourself -5 points.

Add up all the points you now have from questions 1-7, subtract the number of pounds you gained and compare the resulting number with the following chart:

35 Points = You are a dedicated and determined participant in your bodies healthy living style. Good job! Keep up the great work.

25-34 Points = You did well for the holidays. You are in the above average group. You strayed a little with temptation but you were not overwhelmed. Good job! Work a little more on avoiding temptations.

15-24 Points = You are on the average with all of those who succumb to temptation and find the socializing effect of food consumption just a bit more than you can handle. You would do well to avoid the parties and crowds next year. Try baking some of those tasty treats that are low calorie and stay away from the sugar and flour. Keep working and get some exercise this next month.

0-14 Points = Well, well, we had a more difficult time of it this year, didn't we? It definitely is a hard time of the year for you and you will need to work extra hard to lose those extra pounds you  packed on this year. Hopefully, you haven't given up but you can get motivated and can spring back into a healthy diet and get back on your exercise program.

-1 and below = I guess there is no explanation for this other than you just didn't try at all. It may have been too much for you this year. Sometimes that happens and we go all out to enjoy ourselves with thoughts of jumping back into the healthy lifestyle afterwards. You may be able to do that and I hope you can, but it will take several months to shed those extra pounds and regain the ground you lost during the holidays. Next year plan on spending your holiday at a fitness resort or hiking in the mountains or surfing in the ocean. A more aggressive lifestyle will help to keep you from idly strolling through the pastries and rich, fatty foods. Time to get to work now. Go to our Over 40 Fitness Tips site and try our free exercise and diet plan.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

39 Easy Diet Tips

I recently put up a list of 39 Easy Diet Tips on our new Over 40 Fitness Tips website. I wanted to give you just a sample of some of the great tips there. They have been collected from ladies that are in our community. Just imagine yourself looking for ways to stay on track with your eating and living a busy lifestyle. That's probably not too difficult to think that way, since most of us already do. The hard part is learning and doing the right thing when it comes to staying on the diet. Here are some tips to get you started.

Number 17: Go ahead and get that red bell pepper. It's really the ripe one. Did you know red bells are just ripe green bell peppers? It's true, if you leave them on the vine they turn red. Greens are fine too but I think the color and ripeness of the red ones make them worth buying. Watch for sales. Or better yet grow them! :-)

Number 22: Use fresh kiwi. A kiwi is higher in potassium than a banana. It's a great little green fruit. It makes a breakfast brighter, especially when coupled with some bright red strawberries.

 Number 33: When all else fails, eat a pickle!

These are just a few of the great tips you will find on the web page 39 Easy Diet Tips.

Check out the rest of the website while you are at it. Just click here for a quick link to it. Over 40 Fitness Tips

And did I mention that we have some Holiday Recipes also? You can find that page by clicking here. Holiday Recipes

One last thing. Have a very Merry Christmas. Don't forget to thank God for the greatest gift of all. His son Jesus. It's because of Him that we can be thankful for all other gifts and life itself.