Friday, August 5, 2011

Eco Wappi George Diet

I am always faced with the challenge to find new and different ways to improve my life by watching the way I eat, the things I eat and the exercise I need but don't ever do. I know, "What in the world am I doing writing on a diet blog?"

Well, the answer to that is simple. I am one of those people, like thousands of others, that start something and find it hard to continue. Especially exercise. So if I can help someone get a better look at themselves and share some things that helped me, I think it is worth the time for me to write and you to read. Maybe something will stick and you and I will be healthier, happier and not burdened with guilt all the time.

OK. Enough of that.

The "Eco Wappi George" Diet

I titled this blog "Eco Wappi George Diet" for a very good reason. It has to do with George. (I mentioned that in my other blog.) "Eco Wappi George" is the Swahili phrase for "Where is George?" George is my Christian brother in Kenya, who is hosting me, my wife and the rest of our team, for a total of 3 months, 7 weeks for me and my wife, while we are here helping to equip the saints in Nakuru. Some of us have been here longer and some have returned home but, we are in the habit now of coming every year for the past 4 years.

George was revealed to us 4 years ago when he was driving our team around Africa on the first mission trip we came for. Little did we know what would develop from that trip. (Read the whole story on the RCV site by clicking here.) None the less, George is a great guy and he has some special habits we are adoring of. One of them is the uncanny knack of disappearing, thus the name of the blog post, Eco Wappi George Diet.
When we are traveling around the city of Nakuru with George, we always have a delightful exercise program built into the trip. Some are unorthodoxed and others will take some imagination, but you will have to improvise in order to do this one.

Step one. - Breathe thinner air

Here in Africa the air is much thinner  because of the elevation, so everything you do takes more effort. Just walking or unpacking clothes or showering takes more effort and so burns more calories. Going up and down stairs will take your breath away. You can imagine what it is like to take a hike or walk several blocks at a fast pace. (see step three for more details)
Your challenge here on this step is to find thinner air or maybe breath less air to compensate. Like breathing through a drinking straw or wearing one of those surgical masks with an extra filter layer taped over the top. You could always move to the mountains if possible. The air is much thinner there. If those options are not available then just cut you breathing in half by only taking a breath when you just absolutely have to.

NOTE: My friend Yashana says many people breath too shallow and should take deeper breaths. So if you are a shallow person, breath 1/4 deep breaths instead.

Step two - Ride on bumpy roads

When we go for a trip to the store, church service, a meeting in town or to pick up some parts for the repair of a door, we must travel on roads that were probably constructed out of a footpath and has grown into a road. There are not too many roads leading to downtown that do not have multitudes of pot holes (I mean ones big enough to swallow a Volkswagen), large speed bumps the size of large logs and a never ending stream of traffic that is always stop and go. So slamming on the brakes is a part of the driving experience. This exercise strengthens your lower back and neck muscles while giving your legs and arms a workout holding on.

Your challenge is to find roads that fit that criteria. I would recommend driving on the railroad track ties or driving in a corn field for starters. A cow pasture might suffice in a pinch but make sure there are lots of cows in it to provide a large speed bump experience. This also provides the swerving routine to enhance the workout of abs and shoulders. Remember to only breath when necessary.

Step three - Walk along busy street following someone who walks twice as fast as you.

This one is a little tricky and you must put on your jogging shoes to insure there are no injuries. The ideal person to follow on this one is, a man or a woman in their early thirties with long legs and a long stride. Nakuru has some of the busiest streets I've seen, filled with thousands of people, livestock, cars, motorcycles, bicycles and truck or buses all travelling on the opposite side of the street. We must walk as fast as possible to insure that we stay within at least eyesight of the George as he bolts off and takes off down the street.  We are constantly dodging people, traffic and animal droppings which give you the ultimate workout we are looking for.

Your challenge is finding a place to live that meets all these criteria, so you may need to give up that desk job and relocate to a large city with lots of traffic and people all in one place at one time, like Nakuru, Kenya. An afternoon workout is best since the degree of difficulty increases with more traffic you face. You must also walk on both sides of the street and cross the street several time through traffic, walking only in the streetSee step one)

Step four - Half-portion eating

Eating meals that consist of greens, rice, very tough meat portions, eggs and tea are good ways of reducing the calorie intake and leveling out your triglycerides. Eating those items on plates that are much smaller than usual or eating out of a bowl helps us reduce the amount of the serving size we are used to. Water or tea is the drink of choice and occasional popcorn consumption is allowed. No soft drinks or candy bars.

Your challenge is to live in such a way as it requires a higher level of self control. However, you can supplement that with living in a third world country and not bringing enough money to eat full portion or double portion meals. You must stick to the rules which are: your plate must not exceed 8 inches in diameter and you must use the 6 oz cup size for beverages. You must also use child sized teaspoons and forks to eat with or fingers only. You must also be able to skip a meal every day or so.

ANOTHER NOTE: Since the first posting of this diet, many people have suggested that reading this  may be another way of helping to firm up the muscles in the abdominal regions. They have also noted that laughter is good medicine for depression and other ailments of the mind.

Last but not least, you will need to follow this regime for at least 7 weeks for the full effect to take place. You can go for a longer period to get deeper results; say 3 months or so. When you are done you will find you are in much better shape, thinner and you will have much better stamina during physically stimulating activities. Best of all you will have a much better appreciation for the life you are now living in leisure and comfort.

Please check with your physician before undertaking this rigorous diet program.


  1. Wow, definitively sounds like a work out. Great post. Thanks.

  2. Well at least you haven't lost your humor. Miss you guys and I hope you don't get too lost trying to keep up with our friend George. Tell him I said "Hi" and he should write me if he ever slows down.
