Tuesday, December 7, 2010

39 Easy Diet Tips

I recently put up a list of 39 Easy Diet Tips on our new Over 40 Fitness Tips website. I wanted to give you just a sample of some of the great tips there. They have been collected from ladies that are in our community. Just imagine yourself looking for ways to stay on track with your eating and living a busy lifestyle. That's probably not too difficult to think that way, since most of us already do. The hard part is learning and doing the right thing when it comes to staying on the diet. Here are some tips to get you started.

Number 17: Go ahead and get that red bell pepper. It's really the ripe one. Did you know red bells are just ripe green bell peppers? It's true, if you leave them on the vine they turn red. Greens are fine too but I think the color and ripeness of the red ones make them worth buying. Watch for sales. Or better yet grow them! :-)

Number 22: Use fresh kiwi. A kiwi is higher in potassium than a banana. It's a great little green fruit. It makes a breakfast brighter, especially when coupled with some bright red strawberries.

 Number 33: When all else fails, eat a pickle!

These are just a few of the great tips you will find on the web page 39 Easy Diet Tips.

Check out the rest of the website while you are at it. Just click here for a quick link to it. Over 40 Fitness Tips

And did I mention that we have some Holiday Recipes also? You can find that page by clicking here. Holiday Recipes

One last thing. Have a very Merry Christmas. Don't forget to thank God for the greatest gift of all. His son Jesus. It's because of Him that we can be thankful for all other gifts and life itself. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep 'em coming Doug. I'm fixing to get serious about all this when I get home... (Channah)
